Academy 2020 – 2nd edition

The second edition of Adaptica’s Academy took place last week on January 22nd until the 24th in Padua.
We’re very grateful to all the Distributors participating in the meeting and bringing their outcomes of one year working together. Compared to the first edition, the number of participants more than doubled! We also had some special guests who brought their direct experience with our instruments. We deeply thank them for their useful references.
The Academy is becoming a key appointment that contributes to share with our Distributors the strategic guidelines for the new year, update them about new product evolutions and get their precious feedback from the market.
It was very helpful to analyse with them the results of the last marketing plan, as well as to get feedback and insights in order to improve strategies and tools.
After Mr. Wei’s greetings, our Sales & Marketing Manager Davide Maddalozzo presented Adpatica’s 2020 vision, according to the last market study, and defined the market segments for each product of ours:
2WIN, Kaleidos, VisionFit SC, Refraction System, Aquid, Aquid Chart, CR-App, Keratoconus, EMR, Tablet, O&O, Injectors and CTR.
We are conscious that excellence in innovation and technology needs to be supported by a sound marketing strategy. As promised the previous Academy meeting 2019, the first phase of the creation of the brand building and communication infrastructure was successfully completed. Various communication tools have been created and made available to our Distributors around the world.
As an Arabic saying goes: “What is coming is better than what is gone.”
Together with our Distributors and partners around the world we can build a better world for everyone, everywhere.